Worship Information
Dear Patrons & Visitors,
Welcome to the Hindu Society of North East Florida. To maintain order, sanctity and decorum in our worship place it is essential to abide by the following:
- No footwear in the worship hall, they MUST be placed in the shoe-rack outside the main doors
- Maintain Silence at all times, Refrain from chit-chatting and murmuring
- Turn off all Cellphones/Beepers
- •No running/playing in the worship hall•
- Please do not touch any of the idols
In case of an Emergency,
- You are requested to walk out (no running) through the closest ‘Exit’ and stay at a safe distance. Please be aware of where the Exit’s are.
- The administrative office has a first-aid box, if the need arises
- If any case 911 has to be called, the street address is 4968 Greenland Road
We thank you for caring for your temple and hope you have a pleasant and safe visit.