Volunteer With Us

Your TIME & Contribution matters


The Hindu Society is growing to this height only because of the selfless and dependable hard work of our numerous devotees.
HSNEF Executive Board and our staff appreciates all the changes you have brought to our community and the facility with your caring effort and precious time.

Volunteers are needed on an ongoing basis. Please fill up the form if you are available to volunteer any time of the week or weekend in any of the activity areas below. A  responsible member assigned to this area will reach out to you to gain your support.

  • Maintenance

  • Temple Office

  • EFGC (Eat For Good Cause)

  • Prasad

  • Decorations

  • Gardening

  • Special Events

  • Temple Events

Youth members who are interested in volunteering are welcome to join our Ripples Youth Committee here

On the following questions, please specify your contact and what you would like to volunteer for: