First Come - First Serve - Maximum 30 Enrollments
Do you think you have a good vocabulary?
Are you willing to learn few new words together?
We welcome all Middle and High Schoolers to join and gain from this Special Vocabulary building training by Sandip Gupta. This is a month-long voluntary initiations, all collections benefit HSNEF.
Word Power Made Easy: Vocabulary Builder Online Workshop
To retain focus, the capacity is limited to 30 Enrollments based on a First Come First Serve Basis. Coaching is Online, Orientation Classes Begin July 9th,
Do you know the meaning of the following words?Loquacious, Gregarious, Magnanimous, Disheveled, Clandestine, Agoraphobia
If you are interested please send following details▽
Vocabulary Builder workshops are open to all entering Middle and High Schoolers.
Need Help to Enroll: Send e-mail by Wednesday July 8, 2020. [email protected] and [email protected]
Please provide
Student Name :
Grade :
Fee: $20 – Payable to HSNEF online
(All proceeds benefit HSNEF. Feel free to add extra donations if you can)
Need Help: Send e-mail by Wednesday July 8, 2020. [email protected] and [email protected]
Program Details
(Class Capacity First 30 students)
Classes are on Google Meet Thursday 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Orientation - Thursday, 7/9/2020.
4 Classes - 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6.
Classes are based on the book “Word Power Made Easy: The complete Handbook for building superior vocabulary” by Norman Lewis.Students are required to purchase the book before starting the class.
It is available on Amazon
(Choose Mass Market Paperback) (make sure to use for all your purchases and make HSNEF your favorite charity )All the collection of the fees benefit HSNEF. Coaching offered with intent of gaining academic progress as a community service effort, HSNEF doesn't offer any guarantee of any results or oversight of this program.
Thanking You,
EB 2020