Join DAILY AARTI & ONLINE CHANTING during Navratri - Oct 17 - Oct 25 Parking Lot Inauguration Celebrations on 23rd, 24th, 25th Oct 2020
Sharad Navratri with Kalasha Sthapan at 5:30 pm Oct 17th

ShaRAD Navratri Events & Parking Lot Inauguration
HSNEF wishes you all a blessed Navaratri Celebrations. We will begin Navaratri celebrations starting on Saturday, Oct 17th,2020 with Kalasa Sthapana at 5:30 pm. Saptha Sathi Path and Valmiki Sundarkand path will be observed on all days of Navaratri starting Sat 17th to Sat 25th Oct 2020.
The Temple will be open both Morning and evening on all weekdays during Navaratri.
As informed earlier, Online Lalitha Sahasranamam Parayanam will be taking place between 7:15 pm- 8:00 pm on all days except Tuesdays. On Tuesdays chanting will be at 6:15- 7:00 pm followed by Temple Arati and Hanuman Chalisa.
Please join the below link in Zoom for Lalitha Sahasranamam Parayanam
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 904 268 7630
This year due to current situation, we are not able to accommodate Garba at our Temple. We will have AMBE MAA Arati at 8:00 pm on all weekdays and we will have two Aratis at 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm on weekends with limited capacity.
Please note that for everyone’s safety all visits to the Temple during Navaratri will be DHARSHAN ONLY. Requesting all devotees to move out of the worship hall after Arati to facilitate other devotees to have Dharshan. Temple has ensured regular cleaning and sanitizing during these special days and will strictly follow all Safety precautions.
1. No more than 10 -12 devotees in the Worship Hall at any given time.
2. The time indoors limited to 10 minutes or less.
3. Facemask, to cover both the nose & mouth, must be worn in the Temple premises (except by children below 2 years)
4. No Prasad/ food /liquids allowed
5. Social distancing of 6 feet or more between individuals or individual family units must be maintained
6. Avoid touching any surface in the temple.
We are happy to inform that we will have Temple Phase1 Completion and car Parking Lot Inauguration celebrations on 23rd, 24th, 25th Oct 2020. All Safety protocols will be followed, Havans and other programs will be conducted outside of the Temple premises. We will send more information regarding the celebrations shortly.
Let us all celebrate Navaratri with the Sankalp that this situation gets resolved at the earliest and AMBE MAA should restore peace and bring back happiness to the entire world. May Mata Durga’s protection and blessings be always with us.