Join HSNEF Debate Competition 11/16 – Everyone is Invited to Attend/Participate @ 10 AM

Web TeamAnnouncement

The Ripples Youth Committee is organizing the annual HSNEF Debate Competition - Register Today - Everyone is Invited to Attend/Participate

Saturday, November 16th, 2024 
10 AM - 1 PM


Namaste everyone!

The Ripples Youth Committee is organizing the second annual HSNEF Debate Competition on Saturday, November 16th, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the HSNEF Temple! All ages from elementary school to adults are welcome to participate. We highly encourage adults to also participate so that our youth can learn from the best!

Please fill out the form (click this link ) to register as a participant. Registration will close on November 16th, so please fill out the form as soon as possible! Also, all temple members will have free admission to participate and non-temple members will have to pay $10 to the temple office to participate. 

Rules and Guidelines:
Each speaker will have 3 minutes for a topic. 
After all participants have spoken about a topic, an additional minute will be provided for rebuttal for each participant on that same topic. 
Speaker sequence will be determined at random by pulling out chits on the day of the debate. 
There will be 3 prizes in each age category. If there are less than 5 participants in an age category, then only one prize will be announced!

Also, we would greatly appreciate it if parents could bring some snacks for the kids! A SignUp Genius is attached to the email for parents to sign up to bring snacks!

The Ripples Youth Committee is excited to see what you have to say and we can't wait to see you there!

The Ripples Youth Committee

REGISTRATION LINK:  Click Here to Register