April 11th 2017
Hanuman Havan 9 -11.00 AM
Collectively Chant Hanuman
Chalisa 101 times 1PM to 8PM
Followed by Aarti, Dinner

This is an Open Event.
Akhand Ramayan is scheduled for the whole night – for the benefit entire community.
Akhand Ramayan is scheduled for the whole night – for the benefit entire community.
April 15 th & April 16 th
Saturday & Sunday
April 15th Saturday Akhand Ramayan Path Begins
10.30 A.M.
April 16th Sunday
Akhand Ramayan Poornahuti
11.00 A.M.
Balvidyamandir Students presentation 11.00
11.30 A.M Bhajans, Arati followed by Prasad 11.30 to Noon
Saturday & Sunday
April 15th Saturday Akhand Ramayan Path Begins
10.30 A.M.
April 16th Sunday
Akhand Ramayan Poornahuti
11.00 A.M.
Balvidyamandir Students presentation 11.00
11.30 A.M Bhajans, Arati followed by Prasad 11.30 to Noon
Community Event. Please contact office for sponsoring - Or Give Online
As always, we truly appreciate all your support and your active participation and contributions.
Thanking You,
HSNEF Worship Comittee